Commercial for Sale: 1601 8th, Rogers, AR 72756

mls #1193235
1601 8th, Rogers, AR 72756
mls #1193235
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Type Commercial
Square Footage 15,669 sqft
Lot Size 2.82 acres
Year Built 1985

City Rogers
County Benton

MLS 1193235
Status Active
DOM 1237 days
Parcel 02-01507-001 is also part of the listing. Currently property is used as hotel. Please don't ask any questions from the employees. Property to be sold as is.NO SPD or financials.

Price History of 1601 8th, Rogers, AR

Date Name Price Difference
08/02/2021 Listing Price $3,000,000 N/A
*Information provided by REWS for your reference only. The accuracy of this information cannot be verified and is not guaranteed.

Map of 1601 8th, Rogers, AR

Location Map Street View
Photo of Steven Friedman
3220 Pine Cliff Rd
Wildwood, MO 63038
Listed by Dick Weaver And Associate Inc, Paul Sandhu
Monthly Payment
Principal & Interest
Monthly Taxes
Monthly HOA
Monthly Home Ins.
Monthly PMI

1601 8th (MLS #1193235) is a commercial listing located in Rogers, AR. This commercial listing is 15,669 sqft and on a lot of 122,839 sqft (or 2.82 acres) and is 39 years old. This property was listed on 04/24/2024 and has been priced for sale at $3,000,000.

Nearby zip codes are 72712, 72745 and 72758. This property neighbors other cities such as Bentonville, Little Flock and Lowell.

Listing Last updated . Some properties which appear for sale on this web site may subsequently have sold or may no longer be available. Walk Score map and data provided by Walk Score. Google map provided by Google. Bing map provided by Microsoft Corporation.

All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified.

Listing information courtesy of: Dick Weaver And Associate Inc